About SAS

“We don’t stop playing when we get old; we get old when we stop playing.”
Sports for Active Seniors (SAS) is an organization for people 55 and up who want to participate in active, noncompetitive sports in a social setting. SAS was started as an informal organization in 1990 by Jeanne Robichaud, who was looking for others “her age” to participate in sports activities with her. Using the newspaper and word-of-mouth (in a pre-digital world!), Jeanne successfully gathered many 55+ active enthusiasts, set a vision, and SAS was born! Thirty-plus years later, we’re still living out Jeanne’s vision.
Based in the Madison, Wisconsin area, our activities span a wide range of outdoor and indoor sports. We also hold three general membership social gatherings throughout the year.
Two General Membership Meetings are held in May and November. Meetings are open to members and interested non-members. These meetings include a program on a topic of interest, refreshments, social time, and often a pot luck meal. The November meeting is the SAS annual meeting, and includes information and reports from the Board of Directors, as well as the election of board members.
Additionally, an all-membership summer picnic is held in August.
Board Meetings are held in the month prior to the General Meetings. All SAS members are welcome to attend board meetings.

“I found out about SAS through word of mouth. After contacting a member of SAS, I decided that it would be a good fit for me to join so I would have other people to bike with. I enjoy the camaraderie with the bikers that I am riding with. I enjoy the leisure pace of the bike rides. There’s also many chances to stop for a break for lunch on the ride. If you want to ride your bike at a leisurely pace and have some camaraderie with other bikers SAS is the place for you.” ~ SAS member
Sports for Active Seniors